I never believed there was a Gay Mafia until now, but obviously there IS a Gay Mafia and they are EXTREMELY powerful.
Why else would you able to purchase THIS at JC Penny's?!?
Doug said that this is "For the gay who has everything..."
Well, I don't have "everything" - - not by a long shot - - but this has definitely jumped to the top of my Christmas Wish List.
And when I get it, I will spend months in my apartment having My Personal Carol Channing Coll lip sync "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend," "Jazz Baby" and this Carol Channing number from THE DEAN MARTIN SHOW.
Dear Lord, I miss Variety Shows!
i want one
joe*to*hell - I know! Isn't this the best?!? Let's both get one. Then, we can have dueling Carols!
Boyfriend...that is a hoot and a holler.
Hell in a Handbag has one of those dolls. We use it in "Rudolph." Last year, it killed and ate Elfano, the bitchy boss elf.
roborange - A hoot, a holler and then some! I love it!
Aaron - Seriously? You use a Carol Channing Ventriloquist Doll in RUDOLPH? God bless Hell in a Handbag! They are doing the Lord's work!!
I actually owe it to Daryl Nitz for introducing me first-hand to the Carol Doll. He and George Howe use her in their weekend shows at Davenport's. I was there Friday night to see Joan Curto with the "Showtune" cast, and suddenly, there was Carol!
Visit my blog to see who the doll resembles more than Carol Channing (in my opinion)!
Wow- I was totally expecting a tragic abortion of a clip, and that was actually cool. LOVE the hippie dance!
Yes, Lord! And don't forget "Jazz Baby" from the Movie "Thoroughly Modern Millie". Does the Carol dummy come with a set of crystal water glasses that she can play? Dare we hope for Guest Star dolls to follow!?!?!?
OMG, please let there be a Pearl Bailey Doll!!!!
That's how young I feel too! (Okay, so I don't look as good...)
I’ve been working more and more on the development of my “professional” photography business, trying to learn the technical stuff I should know, developing a line of postcards and greeting cards, and trying to get organized. As a result, blogging has been on the back burner.
I think of you, now and then sneak a quick look at your blog and what’s happening in your life, but for the most part I haven’t been doing a lot of reading or commenting. It’s probably time for me to take a break and come back when I can spend reasonable time visiting as well as writing.
Thank you for sharing glimpses of your life with me, have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and I hope to “see you” soon!
Wiz’d Wiz’d
I want those legs. The scary thing is, she still looks that way.
OMG-- I so want one-- I met CC once years ago. It was openning night of Dolly in Seattle-gosh... she was older than --how old is this lady now? anyhow want one!!! I have to go and ad it to my x mas list...
I was going to complain that the Channing ventriloquist doll looked "creepy", but then I realized, so does Channing. (Although she seems like a dear, sweet lady.)
Also suited for ventriloquist interpretation: Martha Raye!
That is Hilarious!!!
Doug - Leave it to Daryl to beat me to the Carol Channing punch! I can't wait to read who you think the doll resembles. Britney in her "bad blonde wig" phase, perhaps?
cb - Carol's got it goin' ON!!!
catty bitch - The Pearl Bailey Doll would DEFINITELY be a hoot, but I'm hoping for a Mary Martin Doll. Then we can do a puppet show version of the original production of LEGENDS. It don't get no gayer than that!
wizened wizard - Thank you so much! That is the kindest, sweetest comment and I needed it more than you will ever know. Thank you and I hope you have a joyous Thanksgiving. Much love!
Dana - Yes. There's a portrait in Carol's closet that has aged so that she doesn't. Oddly enough, the portrait looks exactly like Elaine Stritch. In 1966. I'm just sayin'...
Rad Homo - She's so old that she's actually been quoted as saying, "I'm not the First Lady of Broadway. The others all DIED!" Those are the words of a true STAR!
Blockade Boy - Brilliant idea. But what are you going to do with a Martha Raye Doll? Guest spots on ALICE and Polident commercials?!? :)
Kristie - I can see a new career materializing as we speak! Which means, of course, that my career is officially over. Oy...
My friend actually posted that Carol Channing youtube clip. Check out his other videos to see what he has - it's a riot. One of his videos, the "We are a Family" NBC tribute with Nell Carter, Bea Arther, Punky Brewster, etc. was featured in the most recent Entertainment Weekly.
Bob - I've seen that WE ARE A FAMILY clip and it's truly frightening. And fabulous. All at once. :)
A Carol Channing ventriloquist doll... the possibilities are endless!
Mark - I know! I would probably entertain myself by having her lip sync to "Welcome to Kanagawa" from Sondheim's PACIFIC OVERTURES. No one else would laugh, but I would find it hilarious!
Carol Channing is absolutely one of my favorites!! I need to get one of those dolls too.
btw- you know she has a home in palm springs? I see her at the theatre every so often.
Rick - Okay, it's official - - I either have to visit or move there! Carol Channing is there!!! Forget about it!!!
watching that video made me realize! Oh my god, buddha was right, this life is about suffering.
Lance - Oh, now. I love this song and Carol's performance of it! You know you do too!
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