Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Ranting at Rove

As discussed earlier this week, at the end of this month, we won't have Karl Rove to kick around anymore.

We all know that, but did you see this picture taken on the White House lawn when Bush announced that Karl was leaving?

Bush is his usual "Howdy Doody" dumbass self, but Rove looks almost... what's the word?... "sad?"... "distraught?"...

No, I was thinking "human," but you're right - - it looks as if Karl is slightly depressed at the thought of not spending every day as the brain for a President who made us all think...

"You know, Dan Quayle wasn't THAT bad after all."

Okay, so you know Rove's resigning and you've seen this "Sad Rove" picture, but did you know about the "scan-dahl" from that day?

I'm sure you've heard this already- - I somehow missed this until just now - - but at the announcement on the White House lawn, when "The Decider" was saying goodbye to and singing the praises of "The Architect," CBS correspondent Bill Plante shouted...

“If he’s so smart, how come you lost Congress?”

Republicans are upset and call the remark "Unprofessional" and "Innappropriate", Democrats are praising Mr. Plante for being the first to finally stand up and tell the truth to Georgie Porgie, but all I can think is...

...After all the lies, after all the "inalienable rights" we've slowly watched be taken away "for our protection," after all of the Weapons of Mass Destruction that were never found and all of the soldiers doing back to back tours of duty in Iraq - - after way too much disgusting, evil. vile behavior by our "chosen" leaders...

...THIS is what makes you speak out of turn?

This is the time to heckle the administration?!?

After one of them takes a friggin' curtain call?!?!

Where've you been, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press? Where the fuck have you been?


the blogger formerly known as yinyang said...

Covering Paris Hilton et al. It's disgusting beyond words.

Aaron said...

Congress and Bush seem to be in the same boat right now in terms of public approval. In fact, I think Bush might even be ahead. (People are mighty disappointed that Congress has sold them out and "compromised." Perhaps we can have a bon voyage party for Nancy Pelosi next.)

whimsical brainpan said...

What Yinyang said.

Besides, if you criticize the government today they'll make you pay. Like say by outing your wife as a CIA agent.

Stephen R. said...

yinyang - Absolutely disgusting! I completely agree!

Aaron - I'm so done with Democrats right now, I can hardly stand it. Pack it up and go home, Dems. We gave you a shot and you've blown it in record time. We need new blood, new thought and someone with balls to actually stand up and say and DO what needs to be said and DONE!

Whim - You're right. But I don't think for a second that Edward R. Murrow would have let this go on for as long as it has. Where are our journalists?!?! Thank God for Bill Moyers!