Monday, April 07, 2008


Well, I'm once again fighting off a touch of this damn cold that everyone in this city seems to catch, recover from and then catch again.

Rinse. Cough out a lung. Repeat.

But NINE was spectacular. You'll be able to hear my rave of the remarkable cast, direction, music direction, lighting and costume design sometime this week over at the Windy City Queercast.

You'll also hear Amy Matheny ask me questions about my sex life that very few people have ever dared to ask me in polite society. That's because members of polite society know full well that if they ask me what goes where, how it gets there (you turn it gently to the right, then around and you're in), and who's responsible for cleaning up the lube stains on the rug, that I WILL TELL THEM...

And I will provide them with pictures of the before, during and after. For a fee.

I only wish I had a picture of me dressed and shackled the way Robin is in this toon below. Who would be my Batman? I'm going with Jason Statham. In or out of the Batsuit.

I'm posting this picture because I think this would be an excellent image for the cover of our gay male porn version of THE DARK KNIGHT.

So many great porn titles were submitted, but two really made me hope that someone would actually make this gay comic porn dream of mine a reality.

Both titles are perfect and I think they work brilliantly when combined. We have cb of The Mangina Monologues to thank for the main title and Eric McCool to thank for the summer blockbuster tagline.

Ladies and gentlemen... So sorry. Ladies and ladies, I give you...

The Dark Knight: Rise of the Poker
"A Batkakke Bone-anza"


Anonymous said...

I've seen so many doujinshi from Japan featuring 'Batman comic porn' that it seems old hat to me now. Though I have to admit, the Batman porn you're suggesting, with the 'manly looking men' as opposed to what Japanese girls and gays like, is quite a premise.

You must check out the work of Yayoi Neko [she's American, makes erotic graphic novels like I do--but in her spare time, she make Batsmut.

Anonymous said...

*bowing* YOU LIKE ME....RIGHT NOW, YOU LIKE ME! *grin*

btw....while Jason IS a striking and handsome man, I think your better leading leasher would be better played by the 17 yr old, 6-7, 290 son of Howie Long -- KYLE LONG.

First of all, well...he's Howie's son, secondly, a much more dominating figure and most of all: check out the photos at

Java said...

"Batsmut" is a new phrase for me. That pic of Batman and Robin is a different look from the ones I'm familiar with. I'm away for a little while, and look at all I'm missing! You give my education new direction, Stephen. :)

Mark in DE said...

LOVE your Batman & Robin porn cartoon image! Hot...

Mark :-)

gregr said...

Hello. I was doing a Google search for some cartoon images and I saw the Batman and Robin picture. I made that picture. I stole most of it though from Glen Hanson. The bodies are Glen's. I added the heads and and the costumes. I get a thrill when I come across it on the Internet. I'm glad you like it. greg