This is CNN Anchor and International Reporter Richard Quest.
I wouldn't recognize him even if he was sitting on my face.
Then again, the two of us being in that position might do the trick.
Pardon the pun.Regardless,
Mr. Quest's CNN bio states that he is "
one of the most instantly recognizable members of the CNN team."
Until this past weekend, I'm sure Mr. Quest thought that being "
instantly recognizable" was a good thing. Not so much
You see, Richard Quest was picked up by police in New York's Central Park at 3:40 a.m. this past weekend with, according to the
New York Post...
"with some drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said.
"The criminal complaint against Quest said the park was closed at the time - something Quest should have known because of all the signs saying 'Park Closed 1 a.m. to 6 a.m.'
"Quest was initially busted for loitering, the source said. Aside from the oddly configured rope, the search also turned up a sex toy inside of his boot, and a small bag of methamphetamine in his left jacket pocket.
"It wasn't immediately clear what the rope was for."
I'm sorry, the New York Post doesn't understand what the rope, with one end tied around his neck and the other end tied around his cock and balls, was for?!? Girls...
Remind me to never hook up with the lame-assed, vanilla fags over at the New York Post.I kind of enjoy this story. For once, it's not some deep in the closet, "
claiming to be straight"
married man or
pop star who is found fucking around in public. It's one of us. An out gay man who occasionally gets his kink on, enjoys a little public sex with a stranger because the risk enhances the thrill, and unfortunately didn't duck behind the bushes fast enough when the
PoPo came a-callin'.
In a world where gay men are going from double-headed dildos to double strollers, it's nice to know there are still a few us fags out there who like a little sleaze with our sleaze.
It shows the world that we are not all Will Trumans who only kiss, but never bed, our boyfriends. We're not all Queer Eyes who simply look fabulous and can turn your living room into a showplace with the toss of a throw pillow.
We are men. With dicks. And we use them. And we're not going to become eunuchs just to make straight people comfortable.
Wow. I'm not quite sure where that came from. I guess I get so frustrated at gay life changing, but not changing. At gay men changing, but not changing. The look and outfit of the gay clone may change every few years, but he's still a clone. Maybe my love of our decadence is one of the things keeping us tied to that clone image. Maybe not.

Either way, it's funny that the story about Mr. Quest changes from news agency to news agency, for various reasons.
For example,
Reuters reports on the drugs found on Mr. Quest, but not on the genital rope arrangement, nor the sex toy found in his boot.
Drugs? "
Sure we can print that." Kinky rope sex and butt plugs? "
No way!! This is a family news agency!!!"
My favorite change in the story comes from
The New Zealand Herald, which reports on the drugs, the rope and the sex toy. But when they read the New York Post article that the sex toy was found in Mr. Quest's boot, they pass on to their readers that the sex toy was found in THE boot. Of his car.
English. Such a fun language, ain't it?