The Chicago Transit Authority recently implemented a 25 cent fare increase to ride the train or the bus. If you want to pay cash or use a temporary fare card instead of a Chicago Card, there is also an additional 25 cent charge...
...Remember trying to figure out if Anne Heche was a lesbian or bi or just a "playah"? Yeah, it's confusing like that....
Now for you non-Chicagoans, a Chicago Card is a CTA debit card of sorts the deducts my fare from an account when used at touchpads to enter buses and trains.
Well, just as the fare increase took hold, my Chicago Card Plus stopped working. Luckily, I had a few temporary fare cards to keep me going and since I take the bus every day, there was no 25 cent increase added to the fare that was just increased by 25 cents.
See? It's so Anne Heche wearing Birkenstocks to a Indigo Girls concert. Oy...
But today, the CTA removed all of their accordian-style buses from service after a crack was found in the chassis of one of them. ONE of them. One of over 200 60-foot long buses had a boo-boo and ALL of them are taken off the road.
Now, I know this is for my safety, but (here's the slightly Alanis part) isn't it ironic that the CTA suggests that we avoid rush hour traffic (because we all just LOVE staying at work until 7pm everyday) or that we TAKE THE TRAIN, which is already packed and costs an additional 25 cents?
I know, I know. No one planned this, but I would be less inclined to offer up small-time conspiracy theories if Ron Huberman was still running the CTA. And on the train with me. With his shirt off.
Is that too much to ask?
I filled up the gas tank in my mazda truck over a month ago..I still have
3/4's of a tank of gas. I can go to the bank, post office, grocery store, gas station,and bakery for kolaches and come home and still not go over 5 miles..I love my little town..
I loved the title of Heche's book, "Call Me Crazy," but I still demurred in favor of "No-Account Bitch Who Fucks Stars To Get What She Wants, Then Dumps Them Before They Can Get Tired of Her Bad Acting and Mannish Looks." (I suppose the publishers couldn't fit that on a book jacket, though, could they?)
Yes, this extra fare bullshit is really getting into my elastic. If they needed to raise fares, they should have just done it as much as they needed to in the first place, instead of bringing their dippers to the well over and over and over and over...
Ron Huberman's off now to be an expert on Chicago's Education System. Kinda like he was an "expert" on transport. Sure got it all cleaned up, didn't he? Land's sakes! (To be fair, though, they didn't give him that much time to do all that was needed, which is Chicago's typical way of doing things--big on mouth, short on attention span and always demanding more money for nothing. And then when people get really outrage, Mayor Daley goes on TV and pretends he just found out about it and boy-is-he-mad-and-all-with-that-purple-vein-popping-out-in-his-simian-forehead.)
But Ron finally did "come out" recently. And you could have knocked me over with a FEATHER! My GOD, we were on the edge of our seats for that one.(end sarcasm)
Jesus, I'm a crabby old man today. I'm off now to drink my prune juice...Oy...
I love your little town too Yellowdog, but it's a trade off... your little town doesn't have... well, would you like the whole list or just the top 20?
Re: Ron Huberman. I found out, with some photographic examples, Mr. H would be able to wear dark red hankies in BOTH pockets.... Not that I would know anything about that....
only a list of 20?..hell, I can think of about 75 things and that's just the tippy top of the list...large containers of yogurt for a start. a movie theater, a chinese restuarant, delivery for pizza, a place to buy clothes that isn't a dollar store or clothese that don't have beads and fringe..intellegent men my age that still have all their teeth..oh i could go on and on...but..it's 1958 here and that ain't all that bad..
I grew up near a town in Central IL where it was 1961 all the time. It was quite charming, actually. Until they introduced the Chevrolet Vega. Then the clash of anachronism made it unpleasant and grating...
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