Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"I Feel Like Nancy Drew in the Mystery of the Mid-Life Crisis"

Philip sent me a link to a site named

Yes, I was expecting some hot, glory hole pics, but...

...instead, I found this picture of Philip... Nicole Kidman... the movie poster of the remake of The Stepford Wives.

I love it! Suddenly, the name "Face in Hole" makes more sense.

I can't wait to get home and have fun with this site!

And if anyone knows of a good site for glory hole pics, let me know.

Just sayin'...


Project Christopher said...

isn't a good site for glory hole pics what you nicknamed your high school yearbook??

Polt said...

Philip, without the beard and with long hair...*SIGH* dreams have dome true!

Even if Nicole Kidman's freakishly disproporionate finger is in the way of his lips....


Prospero said...

I wanted to comment on the Spider-Man musical, but there was no place to, so it's here, instead. I was actually in a production of "It's a Bird, It's a Plane..." in the early 80's. It's dreadful. When I first heard about the Spidey show, I thought, "What a terrible idea." But if anyone can pull it off, it's the brilliant Ms. Taymor. Of course, no one bats a thousand every season. It will probably be complete shit.

yellowdoggranny said...

ok, it's an old fart..have no