Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The "Petraeus" Report

Last night on THE DAILY SHOW, Jon Stewart had this to say about General Petraeus and the report he gave which, oddly enough, had General Petraeus' name on the cover but was not written by him.

And here I've been told all my life that plagiarism is wrong. Hmmm...

Anyway, here's Jon Stewart's take on The "Petraeus" Report...

"By the way, this wasn't just a 'guesses and estimations' type thing; the general had hard data.

"He backed up his arguments with real numbers - - charts of sectarian death, graphs of car bombs, tables of troop levels.

"Because it's an important reminder that our troops and the Iraqis aren't just fathers, sons, mothers and sisters - - they're also statistics.

"Remember that."

-Jon Stewart on THE DAILY SHOW, 9/11/07

Smell that, President Bush? That's sarcasm.

Is it me or is it a sad day when The Court Jester is the only person with the guts, the skill and the knowledge to tell The Emperor that he isn't wearing any clothes?


Michael said...

I love that man SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

Stephen R. said...

Michael - He is brilliant! Brilliant!!

Anonymous said...

Jon Stewart for President!

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heezgay - Stewart / Colbert, '08!

Aaron said...

Sadly, Bush CAN'T smell that...because he and Cheney are probably sitting in his office, laughing and having a juvenile contest where they light their farts...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - Now, you talk about nasty smellin'... that's NASTY SMELLIN'!

Lance Noe said...

Serious discuss... do you think John would actually run for politics? i think in some ways he would be great but not sure about everything.

Stephen R. said...

Lance - Oh, I don't think he would ever run. I think it's just our way of screaming for a change - - a change where we have someone in the White House we identify with who uses common sense and compassion to govern.

CS said...

It's been a sad days for years now.

I love Jon Stewart.

Stephen R. said...

CS - You're so right - - it has been as sad day for years!! And you're right in LOVING Jon Stewart!