Monday, September 17, 2007

"He Was Afraid to Come Out of the Locker..."

Another picture from WetBoxersGuy and I'm sorry, I have to say...

If it is "King Size," wouldn't we be able to see it in your itsy-bitsy, teeny-weenie non-polka dot bikini?

Wouldn't we?


Anonymous said...

At least it ain't a yellow polka dot bikini (otherwise known as skid marks). Ew.

Stephen R. said...

Dana - "Ew" is right!!!! I just think that "King Size" is false advertisement!!!

Anonymous said...

In defense of the little booger, the picture is cut off at an inopportune level.

Anonymous said...

Some of us is grow-ers, Rader. Of course, if one is going to have one's picture taken in such an outfit, a cockring and a little blue pill...and a highly suggestible friend along for the ride...would be things I'd put in MY gym bag...

Stephen R. said...

Dana - Yeah, but we see enough to know that there's not enough to see.

Damn, that was clever of me. :)

Master Aaron - Put in your gym bag?!?! Hell, that's what I carry with me AT ALL TIMES!!!