Thursday, January 08, 2009

"If You Can Find Me, I'm Here"

To quote one of the great characters from theatre...

"This is it, I've found it,
I'm in Hell!"

The Hell I've discovered is not hot, it isn't delineated by rings, but it is horrifying. And relentless in its pursuit of you.

Yes friends, Hell is the photo tagging feature on Facebook.

Two days ago, I was tagged with this picture from a show I did back in '95. A not-so-gentle reminder of a role I performed so well, it led to a career path I didn't take.

"Regrets? I've had a few..."

If you need help finding me in the pic, here's a clue: Today is "my" birthday.

Yeah, that's me. Makes you want to run out and rent my comeback special, doesn't it?


Project Christopher said...

OH MY GOD! I was leaning toward the Joker looking guy, but then I cheated and went to your facebook page. Well Darlin'..... mighty short there too eh? :)

Aaron said...

Who's The Joker behind you? (Or is that John Wayne Gacy?)

Anonymous said...

This is the very reason that I am two minutes from deleting my FB.

It won't stop people from putting up pictures that I'd rather not be seen, but at least I won't get a cheerful message letting me know that someone has.

Angel ABC said...

I just figured out which one you were ... Elvis!

Anonymous said...

Even after the clue I still had to look closely to recognize you.

Steel Magnolias is, IMHO, the best movie ever. And my name isn't Rick, Mark or Steve.

And now I'm off to find a Facebook page.

Java said...

I wouldn't have gotten the clue had I not heard Garrison Keillor on Writer's Almanac saying it was "your" birthday.

Bea said...

Explain to me what show this is? There is Elvis, Carla from Cheers, a pioneer waitress, and the Emcee from Cabaret...

whimsical brainpan said...

I could spot you anywhere.


Mike said...

For now, at least, this is my favorite thing ever.

Mike said...

Also, I don't know what show this is, but the one Bea described above with Elvis, Carla Maria Victoria Angelina Teresa Apollonia Lozupone Tortelli LeBec, Laura Ingells Wilder, and Joel Grey (or was it the Alan Cumming version?) is something I feel like I should write (and may be uniquely qualified to write)

Anonymous said...

please....EASY to spot that smirk and the "gay" WHITE BELT!!!



Kristie said...

Happy Birthday Darlin. I could spot you anywhere too. We need to get together this weekend and celebrate your birthday. Call me.

cb said...

I always thought you'd look good in a prairie skirt...

Bunny said...

Happy Birthday, "Elvis Aron"!

Mark in DE said...

I had to read the comments above to figure out you are Elvis in this photo. I'm trusting that's a wig, considering your current folicle style.

Ruffy said...

I so agree with you about the FB photo feature. Its the freaks from High school that find it necessary to post things. FB needs a "you've been tagged" approval button.