Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"Lick It, Slam It, Suck It"

I found this picture over at eMackinations and you know...

Lick it, slam it, suck it never looked quite so good.

But please be careful when shooting tequila.

You don't want to end up like I did one day...

Falling asleep in a Caribou Coffee while Philip read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus to me.

It wasn't pretty.


EMikeGarcia said...

Umm... Yeah.

I could die on his abs.


Anonymous said...

Holy Hannah. I'd pay to go to THAT party.

Polt said...

Lick it, slam it, suck it....you're talking about HIM right and not a drink or anything. Cause if you aren't you damn well SHOULD be!


Michael said...

My God.
I would drink more tequila if this is how it's done.
And I don't really like tequila shots.

Mark in DE said...

OMG, that boy has a smokin' hot body. And how about that tank top with "PIG" on it??? Can he get any sexier?

Mark :-)