Friday, February 09, 2007

A Logical Replacement

In the spirit of BEWITCHED...

...where we can easily replace one Darrin...

...with another Darrin...

...without ever referencing it, explaining it or calling attention to it in any way, shape or fashion...

...may I suggest we replace one crazy, drunk and high Southern nutjob...

...with her very own cousin, Shelly...

Shelly, Shelly, Shelly, Shelly

Shelly "All Gums!"

She's so outrageous.


Anonymous said...

Seriously Rader -- are we going to have a blog smackdown over who is going to write more Anna Nicole posts... because if so, it's on.

Stephen R. said...

Mike - The Universe has handed us this and we owe it to The People to dissect, pontificate and completely trivialize the life and possibly tragic death of a woman whose favorite meal was "Ps-sghetti"

Lance Noe said...

I bet Shelley could give a MEAN BLOW UP!