Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It's a Piggy World

There is no better way to start your day than by turning on the tv at 7:30 a.m. and seeing one of your friends singing and dancing dressed as a pig.

Yep, that's right. Ms. Coon is at it again.

She and the cast of THE TRUE STORY OF THE 3 LITTLE PIGS at Lifeline Theatre are all over WGN-TV this morning, promoting their show and singing their snouts off.

When I became an actor, no one warned me that a man my age can turn on the tv, see a friend dressed as a pig singing and dancing and not be shocked in the least.

Anyone else in any other profession would see a friend dressed as a pig on tv and immediately think...

"I've gotta stop sniffing glue."


Alanda said...

THANKS HONEY! It was so nice to get your phone call after! :)


Stephen R. said...

Alanda - You were brilliant as always!