Thanks to everyone at Boho for organizing this event for SOC - - especially the two women who put the whole thing together, Brooke and Kate. Congratulations on putting together a terrific fundraiser / theatre performance. Thank you for everything you did.
Also, thanks to Mike and Andy for coming to the show. You two are the best and support me in anything and everything. P.S. I need a trip to The Second Story Bar with you two asap!
And congratulations for Michael Ryzcek for his outstanding direction of the Kushner piece and to the ultra- fabulous Jodi Kingsley for playing said Kushner piece to the hilt.
Most importantly, a huge thank you to Jeff Roscoe for his fantastic musical direction and to Michael Kingston and Matt Gottlieb for their beautiful performances in the song I directed - - PAINTING by William Finn. Outstanding work, guys. Thank you so much!
Best of all, a very cute boy talked to me for quite a long time tonight and then asked me out.
"Wonder of wonders...
Miracle of Miracles..."
Miracle of Miracles..."
I told Stephen and Thomas, the leaders of Boho, that if I scored a boyfriend out of attending this event, I would have to name my first kid after them.
I meant that I would name my child "Stephen" or "Thomas" after their first names.
They thought I meant I would name my child after the theatre company's name.
They said, "Yeah! Boho Rader!"
Actually, I kinda like it.
thank YOU for being there AND directing AND helping us in so many ways! Love you.
Alanda - Thank you and everyone at Boho for a wonderful evening. I had a blast.
And Michael - Thank you and yes, it was that "tall drink of water" that asked me out. He said he will email me via the SOC site. We'll see... :)
I don't know what's worse - the fact that I somehow did not see this at the time you posted it, so that my THANKS for your kind words are now coming TWO MONTHS after the fact...
The fact that the only reason I even FOUND these lovely and kind words of yours is because I am up Googling myself at 1 in the morning...
Sad, sad, sad...
But THANK you, again :)
Jodi - My compliments about your performance are just the tip of the Al Gore-melting iceberg!!! Everyone I have talked to from that night went on and on about THE actor of the evening - - Jodi Kingsley! You are brilliant in a plethora of ways!
(Notice that I'm a redneck and correctly used the word "plethora" in a sentence!)
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