Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Finally Lost My Accent

I saw this quiz over at Knee Deep In Mud and I couldn't resist taking it.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The South
The Northeast
The West
The Inland North
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Thank God the Southerner in me won out (just barely), but this does prove my father right. Every time I go back home, my father says something to the effect of...

"Damn it boy, you sound like a Yankee!"

Now, I can inform him (and all those theatre directors who make fun of the way I say "lawyer") that I don't really HAVE have an accent. And that I have a "good voice for TV and radio."

Any voice over casting directors who are reading this, take note.


Project Christopher said...

Stephen, as a fellow transplanted southerner in Chicago, i've NEVER thought you had a southern accent. Just because you want to BE Dolly Parton does not mean you SOUND like Dolly Parton (nor have the boobs)

Aaron said...

I took that quiz a few months back and I got "The Midland" too! (But I am a "Midlander," so I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose.) Having spent time in the south, I could tell you were from there by your WAY of speaking, more than an accent--your love of good stories, your friendliness, and your promiscuity. :-)

We Midlanders are a frosty bunch by contrast, with our pale skin, blond hair, blue eyes and horned's cold down at the ice fishing hole.

Polt said...

I got a Midland as well, with a Boston high, and the South lowest. This is kinda surprising since I'm much MUCH closer to Philly than to Boston. Hmmm....


Kristie said...

Hey I got Midland too. I know I have an accent or a lot of people have been lying to me. At least the south is at the top.

Java said...

I'm a southerner, living in the south, and my result was also Midland. Well, I did grow up in Florida. Maybe that explains it.

Lance Noe said...

I got the same one but i soooooo dont sound midlands!

But then again i dont sound like my brother either!

Jeremy Rizza said...

I grew up in Kansas. (And I have yet to escape.) I remember telling my mom (who was grew up in Savannah, GA) that I wished I had an accent. She laughed, "Right, you don't have an accent." It's all a matter of perspective. (I'm still not clear on how the "Midland" accent managed to win the "most coveted broadcast accent" award. Is it that much easier to comprehend than all other American accents? I mean, what's so special about it?)

Anonymous said...

ditto! and i'm from Fla-dee-dah!

Alanda said...

And every time you return from seeing your fam I should say "damn it boy, you sound like a confederate!"....cos it's true...that south gets back in your mouth like Paula Deen cooks with cake mix! :)

Stan said...

When I lived in Atlanta I was always identified as a New Yoorka. When I lived in Ohio I refused to call a bag a sack and soda pop. I guess you can't take the North Easterner outa me where ever I go.
The worst was when I was called a "damn yankee!" once at a party in ATL.

Rick Rockhill said...

damn! that thing pegged me (correctly) as from the NorthEast. Of course my manner of speaking is totally screwed up: grew up in RI, 4 years of college in NY, 1 year in London, 7 years in Chicago, 9 years in California. I don't know what I sound like anymore.