I'm going to have to find a new laundromat.
And since there is only one in my neighborhood, that's going to be a bitch.
I walked into my laundromat earlier tonight and the tv was blaring Fox News, specifically Mike Huckabee's show. (I know! Mike Huckabee has a show? Who knew?)
And as I was putting my clothes into the washing machines, I heard some random woman on the Huckabee show reporting something about the bailout. What caught my attention was her repeated use of two words: "Mr. Obama."
Her sentences went something like, "Today, Mr. Obama blah blah blah blah blah. In response, so-and-so said that Mr. Obama blah blah blah..."
Before I could even finish loading my laundry, I shouted back at the screen, "It's PRESIDENT Obama! PRESIDENT! He's our President. Show a little respect!," completely forgetting that the laundromat was packed and that people can hear me when I shout.
So, I avoided further embarrassment by plugging my ears with music from my iPod (the Original Cast Recording of L'il Abner to be precise). I finished loading my laundry and walked down the street to buy some groceries.
When I returned to transfer my clothes into dryers, Sean Hannity's show was on. And unfortunately, I had turned my iPod off.
The nice woman who works there on weekends happened to be walking past me just as the venom, bile and hatred spewing from Hannity's mouth into my ears had reached critical mass, so I said to her (in a voice perhaps little too loud to be considered anything but bitchy)...
"How can you watch this crap?!? The things they say are ridiculous!
It would be funny if it wasn't so damn hateful!"
Lucky for me, she laughed, said she she never changes the channel and doesn't even hear it anymore.
Well, I hear it and it pisses me off.
So, in order to maintain my sanity and to keep me from disturbing the residents of my neighborhood, it looks like I might have to walk a few miles to do my laundry.
Or just remember to keep my iPod earbuds in while I'm at that laundromat.
I wonder what happens if I start playing "Dark Side of the Moon" at the top of Sean Hannity's show? Hmmm...
Just so you know
that pic is my new facebook photo!
Is there anyway for you to change the channel, or do you have to go through the employees? 'Cause you could always ask someone who works during the weekdays, seeing as how the weekend lady won't.
P.S. Now you've gone and gotten that Freeze Ray song stuck in my head. Not that I'm complaining. :)
if you need to wash a few loads....I have a washer/dryer in my apt. Just let me know. Bring your laptop and kick back!
Tell you what--I'll bring the wonderflonium, you bring the freeze ray, and together we will kick some Huckabee/Hannity ass! I'd say that's a sure way to get us into the Evil League of Evil, but then again, Hannity might be a charter member . . .
Love that you quoted dr horrible! As for the mr obama thing, I think NPR did the same thing with bush. But they explained that the first time the president is referenced, they say "president" and subsequent times they say "mister".
Or something.
Maybe instead of traveling a couple of miles to do your laundry elsewhere you could time it better--- if the channel never changes then you could do you laundry during more appropriate Fox channel times (Family guy and Simpsons on Sundays at 7 or American Idol on Wed and Thur)
I hear you - they also have FauxNews on at the laundromat I occasionally patronize in order to wash bedspreads/comforters and pillows. (Being a SAHM I naturally have my own W/D at home for day-to-day stuff).
Have you considered a drop-off laundry service, where they wash, dry, and fold your stuff and charge by the pound (dry weight)? See if they offer that - then you don't have to listen to that crap.
Oh, you poor dear! I would have talked back to the television, too. I do it all the time. In a crowded laundromat I probably wouldn't have screamed, but I would have said it out loud.
I hate that there are televisions everywhere now. I just want some peace and quiet. I like to hear the hum/thump of the dryers as they rotate. I like the warm smell of the anti-static dryer sheets. I do not like to hear the television blaring over all that calming noise.
If you can do your laundry in the early afternoon on week days you might luck out and get soap operas.
Stephen, that pic is friggin' hilarious. :)
I haven't been keeping up, did you finally see Dr. Horrible?
Sweetie I have to put up with that shit every time I visit family in TN. Well that or the Food Network (porn for fat people and Southerners). You build up a tolerance to it over time and are able to block it out.
Don't find a new laundry mat; tell that b*tch to change the TV station because it is offending you. If she won't do it, find out who the laundry mat is owned or managed by and send them an email or letter. If we don't say it, who will?
"If I had my druthers, I'd druther have my druthers, than anything else I know..."
My laundromat is pretty far from you (it's on Morse), plus it's full of kids running around screaming and knocking into things while their parents are too busy (doing what, I don't know) to give a shit. As much as I hate FauxNews, I'd almost rather deal with it! Almost.
But the thing that sends me over the edge on any FauxNews cast is Laura Ingraham. She's so fucking ugly and she barks like Nancy Grace. The two of them need a nice big hambone to get busy with...
i bet if you started singing off key on your ipod they would change the channel..
Bravo for speaking up! :)
I almost never refer to him as "President Obama," just as I almost never referred to Dubya as "President Bush." Lack of respect? You betcha. Respect must be earned.
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