Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"It's Not You. It's Me"

My weekly Threadless email came last night - - if you don't know, these are the funkiest and funniest t-shirts around - - and they are having a big sale right now. Three designs stood out as "must haves" this time.

This one as a tribute to my relationship with my ex (a.k.a. Skanky Bob)...

This one to go with my iPod, since I just got around to actually buying one this year and it almost lead to my death...

And this one to wear to the gym.

If I ever get my ass back to the gym, that is.

Screw it. I would wear this one anywhere. I love it!


cb said...

I DO need to get the rhino one-- love the unicorn as inspiration thingy! Its just too perfect!

Joie Mayfield said...

I love the Rhino one!!! :) too cute!