Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Ting-Tings

Last night, I saw the video below over at eMackinations - - The Ting-Tings #1 hit in the UK entitled "That's Not My Name" - - and I immediately had to download it from iTunes.

So on my walk back home from the theatre today, I had the song on repeat. Now, I know that my body moves to music even when I don't realize it's moving to music...

...frequently, people will say to me, "Why are you dancing?" and I'll realize that I've been moving so much that I'm mere inches away from step-ball-change...

...but apparently my body REALLY LIKES this song.

You see, as I was bopping along, a very attractive, young African-American woman tapped me on the shoulder. I stopped the song, took out one of the ear buds and she said to me...
"I love your model walk!"

Yeah. I guess The Ting-Tings are turning me into America's Next Top 'Mo Model.

Let's see what they'll do for you. Here's "That's Not My Name."


Polt said...

Oh yeah, I'm model-walking as I'm sitting here at my computer! Seriously.

i think I too shall get that from iTunes!


whimsical brainpan said...

I like it!

At least they said I love your model walk. If were me someone would be asking "Ma'am are you ok? You look like you are having a seizure."

F6's Editor said...

I could see my self singing this during sex; or even though in my case, as I am a virgin, while masturbating, it is that addictive.

Nice find! Thanks for sharing it.

cb said...

Heh Heh!!! You were busted "stompin' runway"!!