Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

This is from one of Philip's favorite YouTubers; he is fast becoming one of mine.

If I can't be with my mother today, then at least I can laugh my ass off at John Roberts' new "Mother's Day" video.

My favorite line is, "I can't hear you. I'm trying to enjoy myself." I want that on a t-shirt.

Also, check out Mr. Roberts video from last Mother's Day "My Son is Gay," as well as "The Christmas Tree" and my personal favorite, "The Phone Call."


Anonymous said...

That was perfect!

I loved the extra shots of Spray Net going out the door.


Just like my mom, God bless her.

philip said...

This man is a genius. A genius. When i grow up, I want to be him. . . AND his mother.

What is burning?