Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Seth's Bar Mitzvah

This was featured on WGN-TV's Morning Show today and after watching it, I don't feel like being raised Southern Baptist was all that bad. Considering...

I give you Seth's Bar Mitzvah. From 1993.

"That's What Friends Are For," indeed.


Aaron said...

I wonder what all those loving relatives did when Seth turned out gay. (Because it seems that friends are for even more than they thought...) ;-)

Lance Noe said...

That was painful, tragic and sad!

Anonymous said...

Oh. Dear. God! That hurt!

I couldn't tell if that lady in the pink/red dress on the side was crying because it was so bad or because it was so moving to her! LOL

Stephen R. said...

aaron - If Seth wasn't gay BEFORE that rendition of Dionne Warwick's hit, he DEFINITELY was afterwards. Oy...

lance - Yep, and I loved every minute of it!!!

karen - I think the lady in the pink/red dress was just drunk. So she was horrified AND moved to tears. Isn't it fabulous?!?!