Sunday, February 24, 2008

"Charlie Bit Me!" and "Hilary vs. Obama"

Two videos, each featuring two children. These children and these videos are funnier than anything currently being shown on CBS. Period.

Cute Kyle emailed this first clip to me and I've watched it so many times, I've probably doubled it's number of hits.

It's also the reason that I have been randomly calling Kyle at all hours of the day and simply saying "Charlie bit me!" in a British accent. I then hang up and laugh hysterically to myself.

Isn't that great?!? I love Charlie's expression after he bites his brother the second time. Laughing his ass off with a grin that says...

"You put your finger in my mouth and I'm gonna bite it, bitch!"

Then there's this vid that Mike over at Logopolis posted this a little while ago. As he said, this is...

"Hilary vs. Obama: The only debate that matters"


Aaron said...

It's all about the littler kids in each one...they're just cuter and smarter, goshdarnit! :-)

Donnie said...

Ok, Charlie Bit Me is friggin adorable. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I'm upset.....both say "no longer available!"

Polt said...

Charlie bit me is hiLARious! I'm gonna have to steal that one for my own blog!

As for the last one, well, at least neither of the girls were for "McCain", so that's a good thing.


whimsical brainpan said...

I can't get the first video to play. :-(

The second sounds like the debate going on in my head.