Bill asked, "You're not a gay man, (are you)?," to which Seth replied...

"Listen, I like a good ass fuck
as much as the next guy."
All my wild, hot, sexy, comedic dreams come true.
But Seth, unfortunately, is straight.
Mama always said, "They're either married or straight."
Check out this little piece of a February, 2008 interview with Seth in The Advocate...

"A couple of years prior I had teamed up to write a pilot with two writers, both of whom were gay.
"One of them said that when he travels through the Midwest with his partner they have to go through this fucking dog and pony act when they stop at a hotel and the guy behind the counter says, 'You want one room or two?'
"They have this charade where they’ll say to each other, 'Is one room OK with you?' 'Yeah, I’m cool with that if you are.' 'Yeah, no big deal, we’ll just take one.'
"That was one of many conversations I had with them where I thought to myself, Why is it that Johnny Spaghetti Stain in fucking Georgia can knock a woman up, legally be married to her, and then beat the shit out of her, but these two intelligent, sophisticated writers who have been together for 20 years can’t get married? It’s infuriating and idiotic."
Isn't that great? Isn't he one of the coolest people on the planet?
God, I want him so hard right now... With all those voices he does, it would be like sleeping with a different man every night. (Sure, I have different men, but it's not EVERY night. I skip that odd day in the leap years. Sometimes.)
Is it wrong that I kinda want to do him while he talks like Quagmire? Yeah, I'll stop...
My ultimate fantasy... Me, Seth MacFarlane and Seth Green...
The first time I saw Seth MacFarlane, I thought it was impossible that somebody could be so clever, talented and funny AND that fucking cute. I've also NEVER seen an episode of "Family Guy" and not busted a nut laughing at least once...
And, honestly, there's something about Quagmire that I find kind of intriguing. I think it's because he's so kinky...
giggity giggity giggity giggity giggity goo
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