Saturday, August 02, 2008

"What Else is in the Teaches of Peaches?"

I just saw this over at eMackinations and it's too friggin' brilliant not to share.

Check out everyone's favorite "other white meat" Miss Piggy singing "Fuck the Pain Away" by Peaches.

Why do we love Miss Piggy?

Well, as Frank Oz said...

"She wants everyone to treat her like a lady,
and if they don't, she'll cut them in half."

'Atta girl.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I am so glad so many people have so much free time on their hands! :)

EMikeGarcia said...

Oh yeah... That is such the perfect theme song for Miss Piggy!

Doug said...


I love the reaction of Loretta Swit, who seems to be clearly uncomfortable being in this video!