...What happened to "In Memoriam?" Why are they considered "lost?" Did we really LOSE Yvonne DeCarlo? I doubt that the funeral home misplaced Lilly Munster's body...
...and accompanying the snippet about Betty Hutton's death was this picture...

Now, when I die, if there are pictures of me that look more like this picture of Ms. Hutton from her triumphant performance in the film version of ANNIE GET YOUR GUN...

... and instead of using that beautiful photo, you use one where I look like the crazy lady who smells like urine and walks down the street yelling at people to "Get out of my house!," I will haunt your sorry ass till the day you die.
And after you die, I'll be waiting in the Great Beyond to bitch slap you into Hell.
I'm just sayin'...
When I was seven, my Ma went to the local photo guy and had a bunch of black and whites taken of her. I asked her why?
She said, they're for when she dies. :/ Depressing I know, but at the time, I didn't get it. I totally get it now...
Good point about "dead" vs. "lost"!
And you are SO RIGHT about that Betty Hutton photo. Jeez, somebody must have been sleeping on the job.
Mark :-)
That crazy lady picture of Betty Hutton is truly frightening. I bet she's waiting at the pearly gate for the fool who posted that pic. Somebody's gonna get the ultimate smackdown.
And darling, I'd NEVER post an unflatering picture of you anywhere for any reason (I can think of off the top of my head). (Except maybe blackmail, but I don't know you that well.)
Holy balls!
I saw an interview with Betty Hutton on TCM a few years back. She looked like a very nice, very presentable old lady. That picture is just insane. Betty was a crier -- I can't count how many times she busted into tears during that interview -- and one of the things she was upset about was how her kids felt towards her. I wonder if that "wacky out-take" photo was some kind of revenge on their part.
Speaking of photos, I love the "new" photo of you on your page and profile. Since it, too, is a B & W photo I have to ask, was that taken a long time ago, or are you still a young, dapper man? ;-)
Happy New Year!
ggymeta - I understand that all too well. And now, I really get it.\
mark - Whoever was on the job should be shot. :)
java - Wouldn't you love to see Betty Hutton kicking the squat out of whoever took this picture when they get to Heaven? Talk about bad karma.
blockade boy - Betty was fun and funny broad (she cried a lot, really?), but even her wackiest pictures didn't look like this one. Geez...
steven - Well, I don't know about young and dapper, but that headshot was taken about two years ago. I think it still looks like me. Does it?
Stephen - I love Betty Hutton (especially in "The Greatest Show on Earth") but in that TCM interview she was an emotional wreck. My heart really went out to her. She felt ostracized in Hollywood. IIRC, she said a lot of folks resented her success and credited it to a romance she'd had with a producer or executive. She claimed that most of the people on the "Annie Get Your Gun Set" were really cold to her once the cameras stopped rolling. Even Howard Keel! The supposed reason for that? Simply because she'd replaced Judy Garland. Given Betty's extreme sensitivity, I don't know if that really happened or if it was just her perception of things. I hope they re-run that interview sometime; it was really fascinating.
blockade boy - Damn. Replacing Judy Garland is tough enough without getting attitude from Howard friggin' Keel! Let me know if that interview ever re-airs. I would love to see it. Hope you have big, fun plans for the New Year!
I prefer to remember her in those gay old movies I loved so much as a kid.
I do have Annie Get Your Gun on DVD.
Happy New Year,
roborange - She was definitely the best. Happy New Year!
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