"Killer" being the operative word here. I mean, I know that the movie is focused on this guy...

...but I can't help being more excited by this guy...

"Why is it I can't get it on with the good guys?"
A gay actor / director / fundraiser / cabaret singer / lesbian-esque guitar player from the hills of East Tennessee, living in Chicago and looking for... wait... what is it I'm looking for again?
Ledger DOES look awesome, though, in character. I don't know if I'll see the movie (I haven't really broken my ban since "Teaching Mrs. Tingle," which I may have mentioned), but it looks interesting.
I like Miss Teschmacher's other line even better (after being given mouth-to-mouth during a feigned unconsciousness):
"WHAT did you have for LUNCH?! Whew!"
Ya know the official High Definition AND downloadable (is that word?) movie trailer version is now, righhhht?
Oh Christian does such nasty things to Raven but I'm really warming up to the Joker. It's the purple tailored suit!
Why So Serious?
Aaron - Or Ned Beatty's line that always sticks in my head, "Are we GOING to Addis Ababa, Mr. Luthor?"
Raven - So many superheroes and supervillains, so little time. :)
Joker. Batman. Me. Bed. Boyoyoyng.
Miss Teschmacher: "I wonder what they're wearing in Addis Ababa."
It is amazing how much of my geographic knowledge comes from curiousity after seeing movies multiple times. If not for Superman, I would probably still have no idea where Addis Ababa was.
Michael - Do you see now why I have this want - - no, this NEED - - to be Robin, the Boy Wonder? To be the meat in the Ledger / Bale sandwich. Holy Homo Hootenanny, Batman!
Mike - I'm not sure if it's still there, for awhile, there was a restaurant on Clark near Addison named Addis Ababa and everytime I walked by I would say outloud to no one, "Oh, are we GOING to Addis Ababa, Mr. Luthor?" Yep, I'm single for a reason. :)
I like the grittier take on the makeup. Very dark-- less, barnum and bailey. Way cool.
Clowns freak me out anyway. I always felt the joker needed to be darker and MUCH more cruelly sadistic.
CB - I couldn't agree with you more. Most of the time, the writers at DC get The Joker and that dark, sadistic sense perfectly. There as an issue of DETECTIVE COMICS (I believe) that came out in the last year where The Joker has Robin tied up in the passenger side of a car that The Joker is driving that I thought was wonderfully dark and cruel. More of that Joker. More of the Ledger Joker. More of Ledger. Anytime. :)
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