Watching Posh Spice try to smile on LARRY KING LIVE is funny enough, but wait till you see what Joel McHale and the rest of THE SOUP guys did to E NEWS' coverage of David Beckam's new Emporio Armani underwear campaign...

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
But your crotch is so delightful..."
But your crotch is so delightful..."
That's my little Christmas ditty for David Beckham.
Like it?
Dear Lord, the last time I saw a basket like that, it was around Little Red Ridinghood's arm!
Hell-o becks! How YOU doin?
Posh looks like a stroke victim in that video! Poor woman. But then, maybe David gave her the stroke... *rimshot*
Ok, the crotch is good, but I keep getting stuck at the abs. Just how much airbrushing did they have to do?
I call bullshit. I think it's packed. They're selling underwear there, right? Of course there must be perfect bulge. It's like all those women with naturally big knockers in Playboy--they got a stretch mark or two...but the public will never see them! (^_^)
love the ditty, can I add this verse:
"...and since we've no place togo, let me blow let me blow let me blow."
that picture of Becks is amazing!
On the other hand, if it's NOT real, and he really did publicly appear with it packed like that, imagine what a risk he's taking when the inevitable divorce occurs and she goes around telling everyone he's hung like a hamster. So from that standpoint, I think it must be real.
The Joy - Funny and probably true! But be careful using the word "rim" around Becks. He might start licking the nearest boy's butt. Then again... "RIM, RIM, RIM!!!"
Dana - There's airbrushing all up in this MoFo Pic, isn't there? There's hope for me to have a centerfold like that yet!!!
Tina - You're so right. It's packed. But I like imagining that it's not. Just like I'm sure Posh likes imagining he's actually straight. :)
Rick - I actually went there in my mind, but I didn't write it down. I'm so glad we're on the same page with blowing Becks. Maybe we can do that together sometime. Posh can work the video camera.
Aaron - Maybe Posh can get together with Katie Holmes and form a support group. Katie can teach her how to smile.
Looks like Mr. Beckham already has a ditty.
And it ain't little.
Scipio - Amen, brother. Amen!
Oh yes, David Beckham is one sexy mofo!
Loved your homage to Torch Song Trilogy, my all-time favorite gay film.
Mark :-)
Mark - I love that I steal a line that Charles Pierce said in the movie version of TORCH SONG TRILOGY and that you recognize it! We must be on the same wavelength and that must frighten the Hell out of you!! :)
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