Though in our case, I think Raven and I are both searching for picture of Christian Bale wearing nothing but the Bat-cape and Bat-boots - - and maybe also the Bat-cowl just to kick up the kink factor a notch or three - - but alas, we haven't found that picture... yet.
We have found these new posters for THE DARK KNIGHT. First, we have the new international poster...

Then, one featuring The Clown Prince of Crime...

Sort of makes a Joker whose tagline is "You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight" come off looking more like Crazy Quilt than Batman's arch nemesis, doesn't it?
JUST the cape and boots????
*Iz ded*
Did you watch the movie trailer!?? Did you? DID YOU!!! HuH? Huhdidchaa! Hummm??!!!
My friends at ElJay are trying to slowly kill me with so many posts to it!
I would Kill to see the movie with fellow Christain Bat Freaks! But it seems I'll be going by myself. =(
I LOVE this movie and it's not even released yet!!!!
I actually HAVE danced with the devil...but, since there was no moonlight, pale or otherwise, we settled for the club room of Roscoe's (he hangs out there a LOT, apparently).
He stepped on my feet eight times. He's really fucking clumsy--don't be afraid of him. DO have sympathy for him, however...
Raven - I did watch the hand-held recording of the trailer. Love it!!!
You're going to see the movie alone?!? That sucks!!! Get your cute self to Chicago and see it with me!
Aaron - That wacky devil. He loves that Roscoe's crowd, doesn't he? I mean, where else can you go in Boystown and meet an entire bar-full of men who live in Schaumburg? :)
im getting psyched about this too...I just hope it all is as great as it looks to be...
And yeah, if you find a photo like that, you best be sending it MY way too! :)
Polt - I will definitely send it your way. I will also have it blown up so that Mr. Bale is 6 feet tall and can be posted on the ceiling over my bed. For eternity.
I've never been this giddy over seeing something with such crappy quality.
This movie will OWN us all!!!!
Andrew - I saw that clip on YouTube and I LOVE IT! I can't wait for te clean version to come out on Monday! You better believe I will be posting it IMMEDIATELY!!! And you're right - - this movie already owns me! Thanks for the comment!
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