Thursday, March 29, 2007

An Important Race

My beautiful friend Alanda is a force of nature.

As I wrote about awhile ago, she is currently performing a wonderful kid's show, THE TRUE STORY OF THE 3 LITTLE PIGS!, at Lifeline Theatre.

She is remounting, for the second time, her kick-ass, MUST SEE cabaret show of the music of Bruce Springsteen entitled TRAMPS LIKE US!

If you've not seen TRAMPS LIKE US, check out the link and make plans to see the show at Mary's Attic or Davenport's.

If you have seen the show, see it again! - - I've seen it 4 or 5 times and just like sex with Mario Lopez, the more you do it, the better it gets.

Oh look, he heard me.

Yes, sweetheart, I'm talking about you.

Don't be embarrassed.

Awww... your dimples are so CUTE when you're embarrassed.

Ok, just finish soaping up and I'll be over to do your back when I finish this post.


Yes, that IS what I mean when I say "do your back."

Oh, look how happy that makes him!!

Anyway, not only is Alanda an incredible artist in a myriad of ways, she also has a huge heart.

I received this message from her today...
I have teamed up with Bohemian Theatre Ensemble and Catalyst Ranch to help lasso a cure for breast cancer! I have always wanted to walk in this event and am happy that it is becoming a reality this year!

Won't you help us ensure that no one faces breast cancer alone? On Mother's Day, I will be participating in honor of my mother, Arleen Coon, in Y-ME's Race to Empower. My mother is a constant inspiration to me and a wonderful person. She does not have breast cancer, but I walk because I am grateful she is healthy. I walk because she is a strong force in my life. I walk in hopes that she will never know the pain of this horrible disease. My goal is to raise $100 (But my personal goal is to raise much more) to help Y-ME continue providing its indispensable programs and services to anyone touched by breast cancer. Please support me if you can. Every little bit helps! If you can spare even $5 or $10, it will make a difference!
Well, since Alanda is Alanda, she has already busted through her first goal of $100...

...that she accomplished in a matter of hours...

...but if you have a few bucks to spare, follow this link to her personal donation page and sponsor her the race.

Earlier today, I made a pledge of $25 to sponsor Alanda in her Race to Empower and here's my challenge:

For every 5 people who read this blog and make a gift of $25 or more towards Alanda's participation in this race via her Y-ME personal donation page, I will make another $25 gift.

That may not sound like a lot, but that means if the ARE YOU THERE, BLOG? readers give $125 to Alanda, I'll give another $25 to make it an even $150.

I know that's easy math, but you never know when Dubya is reading this thing...

My only stipulation is that you have to email me or leave me a comment on this posting informing me that you have made a donation towards Alanda's participation in the race. Once 5 of you have made a $25 donation (or more) to her, I'll ante up!

And if you can't give $25, give what you can. And if you aren't in the financial position to give at this time, send Alanda a "shout out" of encouragement for the race. That good energy will go a long, long way.

I love you, Alanda. You are truly one of my heroes.

Now, back to Mario. Have Mercy, I hope he drops the soap...


Anonymous said...

Done, you horrible, horrible bitch. (I'm only kidding. When I really mean it, I always use "horrible" three times.)

And Ms. Coon is a Goddess. I stay away from her as much as possible because just being in her presence makes me one of those goofy seventh grade boys again, all glands and stupidity.

NOW, I encourage you all to spend a penny so that a Rader and his dollars can be soon parted. It's in the Bible, people! Don't fuck with the Bible! I'm an actor! I don't have any money! But if it makes Rader spend, I'm gonna do it!

I had to look this Mario Lopez girl up. I remember her now, she's the best girlfriend of the Latina desperate housewife! Her coming out is going very, very slowly...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - Thank you for sending Alanda a donation!! I really appreciate it and yes, she is a Goddess!

As for Mr. Lopez, I'm going to buy a few seasons of SAVED BY THE BELL for you to watch. Trust me, after you sit through those, you'll be able to spot him at 500 paces!!

whimsical brainpan said...

I'm sorry Stephen I can only afford the shout out to Alanda. She sounds like an awsome woman! I'll put a link to this post on my blog Monday so maybe that will help the cause some.

I hope he drops the soap and you have a grand old time my friend. ;-)

Stephen R. said...

Whim - A link to this post on your blog is perfect!!! With the huge number of people who read your blog, Alanda's fundraising levels will skyrocket...

...and then I'll be looking for a second job to keep up with my donation promise. I'll probably get a job saying something like, "Hola. Did you order the Burrito Supreme or the Nachos Bell Grande?"

Alanda said...

Holy Crap! Who are you...Mr. Money Bags? Thank, shucks! I'm kinda embrarassed now...but at least Mario & I shared a post! :) Yes, Aaron sent a donation to Y-Me in support. Thanks Aaron! And thank you, Rader, for all of your amazing love and incredible support! How do you do it? Mario is your muse? xoxoxo

Stephen R. said...

Alanda - Mario and YOU are my muses! Best of luck with the walk!

You're a force of nature - - always giving and helping others - - and I am amazed by you!!!