Friday, June 01, 2007

Uggams Scat Is Back!

It's back. I thought I had lost it forever.

I don't know how and I don't know why and frankly, I don't care. But hallelujah, it's back.

The Leslie Uggams JUNE IS BUSTIN' OUT ALL OVER clip is back!!!

A special thank you to Alex for posting it today.

And this time, the YouTube uploader presents it in 3, count 'em three, different takes!

The First: The original lyric screw up.

The Second: The original with Ms. Uggams new, screwed up lyrics flashed on the screen in subtitles!

The Third: The original with some funky thunder and rain sound effects.

My personal favorite is the second version. The subtitles are insanely funny.

And here's an added bonus: Two cute, musical theatre boys brilliantly singing the tail end of Ms. Uggams performance - - matching each of her screwed up lyrics to the syllable.

The fact that the last "June!" is sung as "Joan!" shows they are wickedly clever and just as fond of the subtitled Uggams lyrics as I am.

Also, I am in love with the long-haired boy for adding the "Uh, Miss Uggams. Miss Uggams. 'scuse me." at the very end.

It's that kind of attention to detail that separates us from the lower forms. And yes, by "lower forms," I do mean "Republicans."

P.S. Does anybody have the long-haired boy's phone number.

I'll figure out his name, just get me the phone number.

Now, don't do that. Don't judge me.

If Demi can land Ashton, I can try for the Uggams boy, ok?!?


me and the other me said...

well,my dear. we seem to have similar taste in men (umm, make that..boys!)
but i TRY very hard to stay within range ( around 10 years younger or 5 older- but who's counting!)

Aaron said...

He looks a little too much like Todd Rundgren circa The Nazz...

Aaron said...

Sorry, I forgot: I'm the psychedelic-rock queen! :-) Todd Rundgren got his start (when he was 18!) in The Nazz, writing songs and shit. In one of their videos (they did do song "films" back then), they're all wearing red jackets just like this kid was wearing. Same hair, too. That's what reminded me...

Aaron said...

Sadly, Loretta and Dolly were outside the psychedelic rock genre in 1968, so collaboration was not in the cards...too bad The Nazz isn't around now, though, what with Ms. Loretta doing that really FABULOUS "Van Lear Rose" album with the White Stripes! Great things could happen...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - How much do I love that VAN LEAR ROSE album??!!? It's brilliant.

And from what I read, those tracks are all her first takes. He wouldn't let her sing after the first take. Isn't that amazing?!@?!

Bob said...

I love this. I'm so glad it's back!!! Those boys rebuild my faith in humanity.

Stephen R. said...

Bob - We get Uggams and young, gay boys impersonating Uggams. How much better can it get?!?!?