Monday, August 10, 2009

"I'd Hang You From the Nipples, But You'd Shock the Children"

Everything you will ever need to know, you can learn from "Katie's Corner."

And if you pay close attention, there are lessons within Kate's lessons. There are even lessons within Kate's interviews. Just watch her latest video.

In it, the monstrously talented Alexandra Billings channels Katharine Hepburn in another hilarious edition of "Katie's Corner," and as she interviews everybody's favorite Gumm Sister, Alex's impersonation of Kate starts doing an impersonation of Harvey Korman! It's outstanding! And informative.

I had no idea that Katharine Hepburn did a mean Harvey Korman impersonation. Sure, I knew that Katharine Hepburn DID Harvey Korman... in a mean, hard way for YEARS during the late 70's (Kate was the top), but I never knew she could impersonate Harvey so well.

The things you learn...

Alex, you are, as always, brilliant. And Judy? Anyone that can make Alex laugh that hard is, to use your words, "Marvelous!" Enjoy, folks.


Prospero said...

As usual with Alexandra, it went to my Facebook page. You MUST introduce me when I get out there this fall.

AJohnP said...

This made me LAUGH. I loved it!