Tuesday, August 04, 2009

"I'll Grab Some Junk That I Don't Know and Plant One Right On Him"

Philip sent me an email late last night with a link to this video saying...

Well, I don't want to be indiscreet (too late), but I'll just say that Philip and I both want this boy in the same position.

A position that I believe would be best achieved by him lying on his back in my bed as I tie his hands to my headboard and then tie his feet to his hands. Right foot to right hand, left foot to left hand.

Something like this. Or this. (By the by, those links are SO NSFW)

Apparently, this version of "I Kissed a Girl / Boy / Whatever" is by Cobra Starship. Did we learn nothing from the fiasco that was Jefferson Starship? Really?

But this video was produced by latymermedia and directed by four boys, Max, Mike, Liam and Matt. They actually shot two versions of the video, the first one directed by Max and Mike and the second one directed by Liam and Matt.

That's Liam in the video. He's the star. His seldom seen co-star is Matt.

And P.S. All four of them were 17 when this was filmed in October of 2008. In the UK.

What's the age of consent in the UK?

I'm going to jail, aren't I?


Peter said...

Age of consent in the UK is 16. So you can have your way with them!


XicodeCadoro said...

Age of consent in most European countries is 16 ...phew ! except deliciously retarded Ireland and Poland that is

Anatomicsd said...

I'll have to remember to keep rope in the bedside tables when you come to visit...

Anonymous said...

just as "guyliner" becomes socially acceptable, now we have to adjust to guyliner on JUST ONE EYE?

sure he's cute, but i still think the song borders on homophobia (either version).

james said...

um, does he have "69" tattooed on his arm in Roman numerals?

kind of makes your wishing to have him in those positions not so dirty now, eh? he may just like it...

Anonymous said...

Grr. Too many cute boys today. I am besieged by hottness that I cannot have. Grr, I say.

Robb said...

Wow! So...ummm....I guess I'll be in the cell next to you huh?! LOL
Great post!!! I might have to borrow this for my blog....but I'll give ya props!!!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!

My adventures said...

OMG!! thanks for sharing, love that song!!

when i was that age, he could have kissed me and i soooooo would have liked it!!!

cb said...

Wow... I really wanted that to be better. And sadly it wasn't.

Stephen R. said...

cb - Why are you always so negative? About everything.