I just came back from voting and from what I understand voter turn-out is up. So, get out there and vote today!!!! But be careful - - from what I understand Dick Cheney is hunting again for the first time since shooting his friend in the face. If he'll do that to a friend, imagine what he'll do to a Democrat!!!!
I did a google image search for the image above and believe it or not, this was found on the University of Tenneesee's web site - - my alma mater! Go VOLS!
Wow...that's the straightest thing I've written on this blog so far...
This is another images that I found in my google search and I couldn't agree with it more!

You most certainly did!!!! And I loved it! But this one - - decrying Republicans and not masturbation is so much more gay-friendly...seeing as how Republicans are being forced out of the closet faster than you can say "Neil Patrick Harris!"
And thank you voters....we are now living in a Sanctorum-less world......HOT DAMN!!!!
That would be SANTorum....doh.
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