Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Blind Are Leading The Blind

On the bus ride up Clark St. to meet Mike and Andy at Hamburger Mary's before Alanda's kick-ass cabaret show, TRAMPS LIKE US, in Mary's Attic, I was reading the Chicago Freepress and stumbled across a comment regarding the following news item...

Former Gov. James E. McGreevey, who resigned in scandal, is teaching ethics and leadership at one of the state's public colleges.

McGreevey was hired as an "executive-in-residence" at Kean University in November and earns $17,500 annually for the part-time job, which involves teaching in the graduate business school. The gig allows him to remain in the state pension system, said Dan Higgins, spokesman for Kean.

McGreevey resigned in 2004 after publicly admitting to an extramarital affair with a man. McGreevey had previously made his gay lover the state's homeland security chief, despite a thin resume for the job. The man, Golan Cipel, has denied the relationship was consensual and said McGreevey sexually harassed him.

Yes, Jim McGreevey...

...the man who cheated on his wife with another man...

...the man who used his political power to get his Potential New Boyfriend a big ole' job for which he was unqualified...

...the man who only came out of the closet because he was going to BE outed in the midst of the scandal...

...HE is teaching a class on ethics.

In related news, starting next week, I will be teaching a class on cunnilingus.


Why is it that when these pathetic, little gay men - - who lack the courage or the decency to be true to the world, their family and themselves - - get caught with their pants down (i.e. George Michael in a park bathroom), the gay community suddenly rallies around them and makes them into role models and heroes?

McGreevey has said that if the scandal hadn't occurred, he would still be in the closet, lying to his wife, his daughter and his constituents! Wouldn't his actions be more heroic if he actually told the truth BEFORE someone was forcing him towards the press podium?

You're not a hero, Mr. McGreevey. And you're not a role model. You're a lying, cheating, self-obsessed, morally-corrupt pickle kisser and you have no place on my Pride Parade float!

Where is your place in the Gay Pride Parade, Mr. McGreevey? Behind the hot guys on horseback from the Gay Rodeo. Sweeping up horse shit. You're used to that, right?


McGreevey's placement of his Potential New Boyfriend as the chief of New Jersey's homeland security reminds of me of recent news here in Chicago.

Last week, Mayor Daley appointed his hunky Chief of Staff, Ron Huberman, as the new head of the Chicago Transit Authority.

MMmmm.... Yummy.

Who cares if the train is running late?

Take your shirt off.

Granted, Mr. Huberman has proved his management skills time and again, but when asked what experience he brought to his new job with the CTA, his response was that he drove a school bus for three years when he was in college.

Do you remember the guy who drove your school bus? Do you want that guy to be in charge of the mass transit of your city?!?!?

Do you see a pattern emerging here? Come on, folks. This is not THE DAVINCI CODE. Connect the friggin' dots!

Six months from now, when Mayor Daley is standing at a podium beside Maggie and telling the world that he is, in the words of Eric Cartman, "a gay homosexual," remember you heard it here first!


Mr. Daley, Sir. That was a joke. I know you're not really gay. I just wanted to make that clear so I don't wake up with a horse's head in my bed tomorrow. Thanks.


jer said...

he's soooo hot. school bus? i'll ride whatever he wants to drive. wow, i'm gross.

Stephen R. said...

Jer - That's not gross - - not in the least!!!

He's a big ole' boy, ain't he? I wanna climb that mountain!

I love a man you can land a plane on.

whimsical brainpan said...

So how much are you going to charge for your class?

Stephen R. said...

Whim - Why? Do you have a man you want me to teach how to do it correctly? :)

whimsical brainpan said...

No, just wanted to know how much you planned on raking in and if you wanted a guest lecturer.

Unknown said...

It was a little cheesy wasn't it? Personally I am sick of the homophobia that permeates our society. My school bus driver was a masochistic psycho-path. Yeah, he would probably be good at homeland security...

Unknown said...

And what is a gay homosexual exactly?

Stephen R. said...

Whim - Bring it on!!! We'll take pictures!!

Just me - A gay homosexual, I believe, is a "double gay" and therefore FABULOUS!!! :)

Michael said...

I HAVE seen him shirtless, and let me tell's nice. SUPER nice........

Stephen R. said...

Michael - You've seen him shirtless?!?!? And you didn't take pictures?!?!?!?!?!

AJ Wright said...

I wanted to comment on Jim McGreevy. How sad that the gay community would EVER call him a role model. A role model is someone that comes out on the own accord. A role model doesn't lie to his wife and children.

Anonymous said...

we were lovers once, years ago that is.. he was quite the animal in the bedroom.