Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Hell Ain't Half Full"

Whenever my father is driving, if someone passes him recklessly doing 90 miles an hour on the interstate or on a back, country road, my dad says the same thing...

"Go ahead, buddy. Hell ain't half full."

I would like to say the very same thing today to both Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson.

The vile, disgusting ways that these two men warp human suffering and tragedy for their own gains and/or to push a political agenda is both shameful and shocking.

Go ahead, guys. Ride on the deaths of thousands of people before their bodies have even been recovered, much less buried.

Go on. Hell ain't half full.

Tell 'em, Keith.


Prospero said...

Anyone with an ounce of compassion should be saddened and horrified by this. Christians should be morally outraged, especially.

Anonymous said...


Prospero said...

Bryant - while your pithy response made me smile, I have to ask, why bait the troll? They go away faster if you ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Limbaugh and Robertson are evil. I agreeed with every word Olbermann said, I just wish we could get to the point that no one would give asses like these two air time. Like the above troll, they are irrelevent, hate-filled jerks who will do anything to prolong their 15 minutes.