Friday, September 11, 2009

"No Mere Mortal Can Resist..."

You haven't lived until you've seen Wonder Woman, Burger King and 903 other DragonCon attendees attempt to break the Guinness World's Record for the number of people doing the "Thriller" dance.

Truly awesome. Only in the ATL.

And I know she's not married to him anymore, but still, I can't think of Atlanta without thinking of Whitney screaming, "Bobby!"

God, I miss "Being Bobby Brown."

Anyway, here's the awesomeness...


Missie said...

Have a good weekend!!

Angel ABC said...

I was in Atlanta last weekend for ifCON (Asians and Friends national conference) and besides the "freaks" in costume, there were gay Asians and all these folks in for two college games--Georgia Tech, Alabama, etc. Atlanta was nuts! Off the chain!

Kristie said...

Here's the official video they sent in to Guinness...

You should've been there

Anonymous said...

The more I hear about this convention the more I wish I had been there! This is great!

Polt said...

"Trying" to do it, being the operative word, cause some of those people have the rhythm of a REAL zombie. but kudos to them for trying. And the enthusiam had me smiling.

I saw a nun, a Heath Ledger Joker, the Silhouette from teh Watchmen, and at least one Deadpool.



Prospero said...

The Flying Spaghetti Monster???!! AND a giant dancing silver glove!! This made my pants tight!