Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"And I'm Gonna Be High as a Kite by Then"

Something for Super Tuesday with an actual Superman. Well, almost an actual Superman, any way.

That's Nicolas Cage in a recently leaked test shot for the "Thank God It Wasn't Made" Tim Burton movie, "Superman Lives" back in 1999.

Supes did have long hair back then. However, Supes did not (and has NEVER) looked like Slater from "Dazed and Confused." In greasy, blue Lycra. Gross. Snap out of it.


Wonder Man said...

It looks like a big mess

Anonymous said...

I am a huge Superman fan. I remember when this was going around. I could not picture Cage playing this role at all. I still can't. It would have been awful. Now Brandon Routh I could watch onscreen forever.

Unknown said...

Stephen, you will soon be receiving a subpoena because I will be suing you for damages and personal distress. I threw up all over my laptop looking at that picture. What were they thinking?

Gyaos97 said...

Creepy. His eyes have a dead look about them. Looks like a statue in a wax museum. Really creepy.

Prospero said...

I saw this on i09 today and almost crapped my pants with happiness knowing it never got made.

Prospero said...

BTW - Welcome Back!