Tuesday, September 01, 2009

"Bacon is Good for Me!"

Watch this little boy. Just watch what happens when his "new mom" on "Wife Swap" takes away his bacon. It's not pretty...

"Joy, I have been nice to you, but now, I'm coming to the edge!"

Change "Joy" to "Donna" and that little boy is me 20-something years ago, telling my stepmother where she can go and what she can take with her.

Or rather, where I'M going to go and what I'M going to take with me. Starting with that cheese in a can. Yum..

Thanks to Steve Swift for introducing me to this clip.


TD said...

Hi-larious. Absolutely love the articulate righteous indignation. That was me too, but not over bacon. Probably over a Mego superhero action figure.

Amy said...

Bacon and cheese in a can. Two big pleasures in life. I'd be upset if somebody took my bacon away, too.

RG said...

I wonder if the dad knows his son is gay yet?

Anonymous said...

I found it quite scary...

Does bacon in a can really exists?

EMikeGarcia said...


Michael said...

The kid is a human Bobby Hill!

KrisMrsBBradley said...

I was actually contacted by Wife Swap when they were looking for Pagans to feature. Yeah, uh.... no.

No way I'm giving up MY cheese in a can, dammit!

Unknown said...

Boy, I sure do miss listening to countrified kids talk....The only problem I had with running away was there were so many of us, no one noticed...HA! Bacon is good for you!!! Along with sausage and grits and fried eggs, and fresh hot biscuits with butter....oh, damn...

Angel ABC said...

I like when he went to pack his things. Looks like he grabbed a shirt and some Spidey underwear.

Not a lot for having to be away for several days.

And where was he going to go?!

By the way, talk about a Dad giving in to a tantrum if he allowed the kid to actually be taken away somewhere where he didn't have to just deal with the issue ...

philip said...

Someone needs to introduce this kid to Roger Stephens

Java said...

LOL @ Philip! And in principle, I agree. He needs to be taken down a notch or two, but not necessarily in the Roger Stephens school of manners.