Monday, June 09, 2008

Haiku T-shirt

T-shirt from Threadless.

Yet another brilliant one.

I have to buy it.


Polt said...

Brillant! Simple, but brillant!


cb said...

I need to go to threadless more.

whimsical brainpan said...

I love it!

Brent said...

Stephen, between this post and the last Threadless post, it seems that you and I have the same taste in Threadless shirts! My other favorites are "Ah Munna Eat Choo," "Cyclope," and "I Like Cherry Flavored Popsicles."
Unfortunately, the last two are sold out.

Anonymous said...

that's hysterical!

i must have it.

Mike Ellis, The Jolly Reprobate said...

I've always love the Jewish haiku:

"Wind blows through the trees.
Summertime is coming soon.
This is poetry?"

Project Christopher said...

I love that shirt! And the Jewish Haiku is a hoot as well Mike!