Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Love Your Hair, Honey. Hope You Win"

I just saw this in one of the of Tee Fury forums and you know...

As much as I've been enjoying Dick Grayson as Batman...

And as much as I liked Batman #700 with all of the Batmen past, present, future and beyond...

There's something about a Justin Beiber Batman - - or BeiberMan, if you will - - that I love.

I guess it's the twink in superhero tights combo.

What am I saying? OF COURSE, it's the twink in superhero tights combo.

Even more so than Grayson's Batman, this is Robin all grown up.

I almost like this better than the old school Earth-2 Robin costume. No, seriously. I love that Earth-2 Robin costume.

Now, just one question: Who the fuck is Justin Beiber?!?


Polt said...

I liked Earth-2 period. And Earth-3, Earth-s, Earth-C, Earth-X etc, etc, etc.

Hated the Crisis cause it got rid of all that. :(


David M said...

Stephen! I know I've been out of the blog-munity for a while now, but I hope you remember me from Che Bello or wherever I was when I was a regular commenter here. But I'm in Chicago for a few weeks and I want to get a drink with you, because you're pretty much awesomeness incarnate. Let's make this happen. :-)

Stephen R. said...

David - Yes, yes, YES! Of course, I remember you and of course, I would love to get together and have "a" drink, or several, as will (hopefully) be the case!

My email address is stephen.rader@gmail.com

Email me and I'll shoot you my cell phone number an we can figure out a time and a place to meet. Looking forward to it!!!

P.S. I think perhaps you should lower the bar of me being "awesomeness incarnate" to "meh" for our meeting. That way, you'll be pleasantly surprised instead of bitterly disappointed. :)