Wednesday, May 06, 2009

"Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries"

Today, I received this little piece of dirty, decades old, Hollywood gossip from Philip via text...

"Just learned that ginger rogers popped jimmy stewart's cherry. somehow that makes me very happy."

I replied...

"And she did it backwards, in heels... no wait..."

Philip added...

"With flourish, no doubt."

But adding the word "flourish" to the phrase, "ginger rogers popped jimmy stewart's cherry" gives me a mental picture of Ginger...  

....wearing the feather dress from Top Hat... 

...and a strap-on.

Just when you thought Gay couldn't get any gayer...

Also, for some reason, my little text exchange with Philip reminded me of what has to be the most bizarre, "probably untrue, but damn it, it might have actually happened" theatre story I ever heard. 

As the urban legend goes, Ethel Merman was somewhere with Mary Martin and shouted to Ms. Rogers...

"Hey, Mary! 
Who's got the biggest dick on Broadway?!?"

Then, the Merm lifted her skirt over her head and bellowed...


Kinda makes that Carol Channing, "When did I have corn?" story sound almost believable, doesn't it?


Project Christopher said...

Ethel's quote... gumption

Carol's quote... spit take material!

Mark in DE said...

Sure SOUNDS true!

Aaron said...

The thing I love best about the "corn" line is that I can say that anywhere and IMMEDIATELY find out who the other gays in the room are.

I'm going to go to Germany and try it there...I'll bet they get it.