He had this to say about Batman and Robin getting gay yesterday...
"Come on, now...
you KNOW B & R have been getting it on forever...
"I heard they were moving Stately Wayne Manor to Vermont..."
So true. So very, very true.
But, as we can see from this panel - - by Batman co-creator Bob Kane, no less - - the first time that Robin found out the real... ummm... "duties a billionaire expects from his ward," shall we say, Dick was a little shocked.
Maybe Bill Finger not receiving credit for co-creating Batman and therefore, not having his name on panels like this, is actually a blessing in disguise.
I mean, where is Chris Hanson when you need him, huh?
The eyes say "oh, no" but the slightly-upturned (and open) mouth says "oh, yes." Or at least "maybe"
Flattery will get you everywhere!
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