Friday, January 30, 2009

"Gee, That Was Fun and a Half"

I just saw this over at Seduced by the New...

Pretty friggin' brilliant, isn't it?

This, combined with my "You Hucka the Bejeepers" shirt, means that I will have my wardrobe SET for any and all weekend happenings for quite awhile.

The "I Survived the Bush Administration" t-shirt is available at Print Liberation for $16.

I am available all this weekend and I'm 100% free.

Just sayin'...


Bea said...

you can find anything on the internet now! did you see the stuffed animal gall bladder I am getting for Philip for Valentine's Day? i will email you. i want that shirt. Caesars, soon. xoxo Bea

Anonymous said...

Of course I can't find it now but a few years back I stumbled across a Bull Bowl....marketed as a desk accessory.

it was made from a bull scrotum.

Rick Rockhill said...

hmmmmm, 100% free you say? And I just thought you were cheap.

whimsical brainpan said...

I might have to get me one of those shirts...