"...Somebody's Watching Me..."
"And I Have No Privacy"
"(Oh OH Oh)"
Sorry but I took one look at this "Much Too Happy Peeping Tom of a Batman" at Chris' Invincible Super-Blog and that Rockwell song with the Michael Jackson chorus from the 80's just would NOT leave my head. And now, it won't leave YOUR head. Sorry.
But hey, it could be worse. It could be another video from the Cheetah Lady. You see? Yeah, you're welcome.
When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair, 'cause I might open my eyes and find someone standing there.
Wait, that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing ...
checkout the :25 mark to see who's watching you!
sorry - forgot the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMoLzKBMJ38
THIS, I can handle....but those new GEICO commercials are freaking me out.
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