Saturday, December 15, 2007

Eat Your Heart Out, Ghost Rider

I don't know anything about Ed Hardy underwear, but I do know this.

This International Jock model who is seen modeling ALL of the Ed Hardy underwear designs they carry definitely has what it takes to get me to... ahem... stand and take notice.

This is my favorite picture in the bunch. " Hottie McLayMeDownAndMakeMeYourBitch" is sporting the Ed Hardy Flaming Skull Hip Brief in blue.

Sitting here staring at this boy's package of "flaming skull," I'm sporting wood.

I'm going to make him My New Imaginary Boyfriend.

Then, I need about 15 minutes with Mr. Flaming Skull here.

Okay, I just need 5 minutes. I live alone. Don't judge.


Bob said...

Um, yeah. Those shorts, and that guy, are hot.

Polt said...

you'll need 5 minutes? What are you gonna do, cook him a meal? I live alone too, I KNOW how long it would take...... :)


Stephen R. said...

Bob - So hot. Oh, so very hot.

Polt - Even though it is only me making the beast with two backs, I do try to make it last as long as possible. If you glance at a picture of Ann Coulter every so often, you'd be amazed at how long you can... ummm... keep it going. :)

Mark in DE said...

"Okay, I just need 5 minutes. I live alone. Don't judge."

Ah, the Stephen Rader we all know and love!!!

Mark :-)

Stephen R. said...

Mark - From your mouth to God's ears!! Thank you, sweetie. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season.

Aaron said...

This picture does more for me than the one of David Beckham (maybe because I'm so tired of him and his vapid wife that I could chew my own foot off).

But I'm afraid the Ann Coulter picture idea would work TOO well and trigger my gag reflex or something...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - You have a point. You have to be careful when using an image of Ann to keep your personal geyser in check. The first few times I tried, I broke out in hives, projectile vomited and started singing TOMORROW BELONGS TO ME at the top of my lungs. It wasn't pretty.

RobOrange said...

I would like to put that fire out with my mouth.

Stephen R. said...

roborange - That is an excellent idea. Leave a little flame there for me so I can try that. :)