Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"You Found WHAT In His Closet?!?"

Friends often ask me if I would like to set up some sort of arrangement where, if something happened to me - - say I was in an accident and I'm in the hospital and unconscious or something - - that they would have a key to my apartment so they could "straighten up the house"... so to speak.

In other words, they would go into my "toy closet" (again, it's not a "toy box" it's a "toy closet" - - I take my play time VERY seriously) and they would remove anything that might cause me public embarrassment. Or that might throw my parents into cardiac arrest.

But I always refuse those kind offers. The way I see it, I don't want to remove those items - - I want to put them in the middle of the room and focus huge spotlights on them.

"Give the people something to talk about," I always say. It's the white trash boy in me.

This video says it all...

Major Drug Bust - Watch more free videos


Aaron said...

But that was a WATERING CAN, Stephen--yeah, that's it! A watering can with a pink spout...:-)

Seriously, I'm so glad I'm not at work today...nobody can hear my laughter, and it makes the pee easier to clean up.

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - Isn't that hysterical?!? I screamed when I saw it! Why isn't our news more like that?!? :)

whimsical brainpan said...

I am so jealous! I wish I had enough toys to fill a closet.

Stephen R. said...

Whim - I would say that I would loan or lend you some, but that's probably gross, isn't it? My sloppy second adult toys. Yeah... :)

Anonymous said...

i can't stop laughing!!!

i have watched that over and over...
I think the dude did it on purpose b/c i think i can see a little smile under his 'stache as he passes the newsman!

oh hell to the no!

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heezgay - It's the best!!! I'm so glad that small dildo showed up so well on camera. :)

WDL said...

oh my g-d. i spit my tea out.


Stephen R. said...

WDL - I was in danger of my Diet Coke going up my nose the first time I watched this!! That would NOT have been attractive! Great blog you've got there, Sir!

Anonymous said...

I've done that.

Stephen R. said...

Alex - Ain't that brilliant? :)

Lance Noe said...


Stephen R. said...

Lance Noe - I know! I love it!!!