Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Condi, McCarthy & Coulter: One Fugly Three-Way

Well, looky here what I found.

Guess which two political figures share a birthday today?

Joseph McCarthy (born 1908) & Condoleezza Rice (born 1954)

Coincidence? No. This is a clue from God.

In my search for a picture of McCarthy, look what I found...

That psycho-bitch Ann Coulter posing with McCarthy's headstone.

I wish she'd just crawl in there with him. She already looks like a corpse, so why not?

McCarthy is quoted as saying...

"McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled."

Oh yeah? Well, Raderism is Americanism in a muscle-shirt, Diesel jeans and combat boots.

Why combat boots? So I can kick your closed-minded, hatemongering, Conservative ass.


Aaron said...

"McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled."

And its colostomy bag full.

Ann Coulter does indeed look like a corpse...but you left out the details: you know, the intervening five weeks and the swarms of carrion-eating fowl.

On a side note, the description of your wardrobe makes me warm...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - I thought the swarms of carrion-eating fowl was Ann referred to as her "entourage."

Makes you warm, huh? WOOHOO!! Guess I better buy a pair of Diesel jeans, then. :)

Anonymous said...

Rader for President!

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heezgay - Baby, if they're scared of Hillary, they'd run for the hills if I ran for Pres!

Jeremy Rizza said...

Now I'm picturing Uncle Sam dressed in your own tough-yet-stylish ensemble, and I gotta say, it's a good look for the old boy!

Stephen R. said...

Blockage Boy - Well, I like what Alex Ross did for the Sam, but I think my ensemble would really help him show off his pecs!

Whim - Coming from you, that is an incredible compliment! Thank you!

Amorous Rocker - Thanks, sexy. Love your blog, by the way.

supertiff - Thanks!! I think I'm in love with you!! :)

Anonymous said...

GOOD! Let them run for the hills...then we can blow up them thar hills.

On a separate took last week's crown again!

Steven said...

What I have not liked is the fact that she has been despised by so many, yet I see her appear on these morning shows, like TODAY. What a terrible way toi start my day! :-)

Stephen R. said...

Steven - Amen! When Ann was on the Today Show before Kathy Griffin, Kathy asked why Ann was wearing a cocktail dress at 8 in the morning? Did she not go home last night or something?!?

Catty Bitch - I sense that you're holding back. How do you REALLY feel? :)

Stephen R. said...

Shirley Heezgay - I did?!? WOOHOO!!! I'll rush over to accept my award!! :)

Thanks, sweetie!

David said...

She'd pose with Hitler if she thought it would get her in the press. It worked- she's on your blog.

Stephen R. said...

David - Yeah, and you KNOW how much press THAT'S getting her. :)

But that's an interesting argument. What are we supposed to do with these media whores on The Right? NOT talk about them? Ignore them and hope they'll go away? I don't think that will work either. It's confusing...

joe*to*hell said...

"Raderism is Americanism in a muscle-shirt, Diesel jeans and combat boots."

that is some literary award shit waiting to happen. bravissimo!

Stephen R. said...

joe*to*hell - Damn! Thanks! Coming from you, that is a huge compliment! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that from a gay guy, i could probably buy a straight guy to marry me.
or, i could but a penis.
if you can't beat em, join em.

Anonymous said...

BUY a penis, i mean.
buting a penis is entirely different, although i imagine that wouldn't be far behind.

Stephen R. said...

Supertiff - "Buting a penis" Ah, if I had nickel for every time I've done that.

Sorry, I had to go there.

Hell, why am I apologizing? I love going there! :)