Some wish for peace...
"A little piece of Iraq... a little piece of Iran..." - Halliburton
Some wish for good will towards men...
"President George W. Bush said he plans to increase the size of the U.S. military because of its worldwide campaign against terrorism." - Associated Press, December 20, 2006
What do I wish for this holiday season? I wish for the same exact thing... well, things... for which Steve Martin wishes...
Its the season of giving and forgiving, folks.
Let's forgive Mr. Martin for THE PINK PANTHER, alright?
you gotta see this Noam Chomsky DVD called DISTORTED's informative, smart & filled with truth!
Alanda - I'll check it out.
By the by, who the Hell names their kid "Noam?" "Apple?" Yes. "Kal-El?" Absolutely. But "Noam?" Oy...
I's a weird name....but a cool guy! :)
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