Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"I Bust the Windows Out Your Car"

At the semi-finals for Windy City Gay Idol, a woman took the stage - - and I mean, TOOK the stage - - and started singing this song.

I had never heard it, but I feel in love with it. And with her. Unfortunately, she didn't advance to the finals, but her performance hasn't left my mind.

I'm happy that the writers and producers of Glee are creating this kind of scene. It might be a bit of a departure from the pilot, but it's definitely not the same old same old.

How many CSIs are there now? 20? 50? CSI: Terre Haute?

And you know, maybe if I had busted the car windows of some of my ex-boyfriends, I would still be talking to them today.


1 comment:

RAD said...

I am so excited for Glee that I am about to burst...stop bringing it up will ya! :-)