Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Seems Like Old Times"

Check this out.

io9 just posted this scene that was cut from the theatrical release of Watchmen.

If you saw the movie but never read the graphic novel...

...Well, first of all, "Why?!? Read the graphic novel. It's friggin' GENIUS!!!"...

...this scene happens just after the second Nite Owl and the second Silk Spectre have busted Rorschach out of jail.

A group of street thugs hear about this and mistake the first Nite Owl for the one responsible for freeing Rorschach. They bust into his apartment, and...

Well, watch the scene...

Note: YouTube won't allow me to embed the damn video- - some automatic setting from grabbing the video on io9 apparently... which sucks - - so I'm stuck with the crappy blogger video embedding. Click here to watch it on io9's site.

I love this scene. And I loved the film, unlike so many fanboys. The flashbacks of 40's supervillains in the clip above show just how much care and love went into this movie.

I can't wait to own it on dvd. Next week!


Prospero said...

I agree - it's a shame this terrific scene didn't make the original cut. I loved that Nightowl re-lived all his past fights.

i09's been acting funny the last few days, so I was surprised to be able to watch that.

Unknown said...

Well, now I have to watch the movie...

Anonymous said...

I want to buy the movie but I read that there's going to be a theatrical cut, a dircetor's cut, and a director's cut with the TALES OF THE BLACK FREIGHTER cartoon edited into the final picture. I want that last one.

I just wish they'd had that fucking giant squid...

Polt said...

I'm kinda glad they didn't show this in the movie, cause I liked the old Nite Owl there and didn't want to see this happen to him. But DAMN it was well done. And I'm certainly getting the directors cut with this and all the other stuff included.

Awesome movie, just incredible.