Friday, November 30, 2007

Katie! Stop the Insanity!

I just found this on AOL News.

Why was I browsing through AOL News? I enjoy slumming.

One look at an assortment of my tricks over the past few years is proof of that.

And speaking of bad hook-ups, check out what marrying Tom Cruise has done to Katie Holmes' hair.

Where did she get her inspiration for this hair doo? Britney's first wig?

Katie looks the after birth from a Donna Mills and Liza Minnelli fuck session in the scissor position. She looks awful.

Which proves one of two things.


1) Tom Cruise really IS straight, because no gay man would EVER let their beard go out in public looking like that, or...

2) Tom Cruise is that horror of horrors: A gay man with really bad taste.

I'm going with #2.


Michael said...

I may be going directly to Hell for this, but I kinda like the 'do....and I'm not crazy about the Dolly Parton song.

(Record gasps)

Yeah, I said it.......

Aaron said...

I think it's Katie who clearly has the bad taste (in her mouth, by now, I'm sure)...

Anonymous said...

I think she's just holding her head weird. A great cut is all in how you hold your head.

Aaron said...

Let's hope she doesn't end up holding it under her arm, like Anne Boleyn.

(Sorry, I've had too much sugar today! :-))

Stephen R. said...

Michael - You're entitled to your opinions about Katie's hair and Dolly's song... no matter how "off the beam" they may be... :)

Aaron - Katie is just stupid. Plain and simple. Of course, she took a lot of money to marry a gay guy, so how stupid is she, really?

Dana - If you have to hold your head a certain way to make it look good, then the cut sucks.

I CAN'T BELIEVE Y'ALL LIKE HER HAIR!!! I think it's fugly. And I have no hair whatsoever, so you know I'd take anything I can get. But if I was offered that coif, I'd pass.

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - Anne Boleyn. Dear Lord, I love your reference level. It exceeds all others!!!

Aaron said...

It's not so much a "coif" as a "queef."

There. The sugar's wearing off now...

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - Amen to that!! And a nasty queef at that!!!

joe*to*hell said...

why is she wearing ber BFF posh;s hairdo?
cant she get anything original?
and she is in her twneties - why must she look like her 40s? vile cow

ps love the afterbirth joke. sometimes - just sometimes - you kill me and i am jealous as hell

Anonymous said...

I think Britney looks like she's Carol Chann(el)ing...oh wait, Carol Channing's not dead yet.


Jeremy Rizza said...

My only hope for her is that she's like that gal from "Alias", only she's wearing a whole series of kooky wigs in her "undercover" assignment as Tom's "wife."

Kris Vire said...

I think she looks like the 2007 edition of Anna Wintour.

Johanne said...

I think they go along quite well together... no?

whimsical brainpan said...

No doubt, it's #2.

Mark in DE said...

I'm with Michael, I like this hair cut. Oh come on, get over it! She'll probably get tired of it long before it grows out. That's how celebrities are!

Mark :-)

Michael said...

Thank you, Mark. :)
And Stephen....I understand about your love for Dolly. I'm the same way with Peter Gabriel. The man could grunt and fart on a CD for 2 hours and I'd scream "BRILLIANT!"

philip said...

I'm gonna support Michael on this one.

I like the do too.

Michael, I got your back,

Stephen R. said...

joe*to*hell - Jealous? Baby, I would drink your bath water. If me being funny will get you into my bed, I will start hitting the stand-up mic right friggin' NOW!

Kimberley - Thanks for the comment. You're SO right! She looks like Ms. Channing. An older Ms. Channing. I mean, I take my grooming tips from Carol Channing, but I'm not a has-been, cuckoo panties pop star. Doesn't she have a stylist or a gay man SOMEWHERE near her?!?

Blockade Boy - Oh, wouldn't that be HEAVEN!!?! I would adore that. It wouldn't excuse that hair, but I would adore it, nonetheless.

Kris - You nailed it! And who on earth consciously strives for THAT look?!?

Searabbit - Yep, but I had a little more hope for Katie for some reason. I guess crazy rubs off. That's why I stopped dating crazy.

Whim - Thanks for backing me up, baby!!

Mark - Well, I hope this cut grows out. Fast. Of course, she'll probably grow it out into some Morticia Addams monstrosity the way she's going.

Michael - Yep! Dolly with me is a Love Her / Love Her MORE kind of thing. I can't help it. She's my people.

Philip - You can comment!!! WOOHOO!!! I love this. And if you like the hair doo, then it's probably way too advanced in style for me. I still have parachute pants and jazz shoes in my closet, for God's sakes!