Sunday, May 13, 2007

Comments #1

I'm considering not checking my email first thing on weekend mornings after what I read when I first woke up both yesterday and today.

Today, the first email I came to was a comment on my blog from an "Anonymous" Chicagoan who shook me awake with a cyber bitch slap.

I won't go into all the sordid details, but if you'd like to read it, go to the bottom of the comments section here.

Be forewarned, Mr. or Ms. Anonymous is pretty nasty to your's truly. And I graciously give it right back.

The prick.

But just in case he checks back in...

...I'm guessing it's a guy because only guys offer up moronic insults about penis length. Women understand, it's all about width. Width is where it's at...

...I have a little word for him from Richard Dawson...


Aaron said...

Don't you hate anonymous eunuchs? Especially the ones who make sweeping generalizations? I've been here 10 years, and friends who were born and raised here ALWAYS complain about traffic and weather--that's human nature. Of course, the fact that the Eunuch doesn't like it suggests that he's not human. A fact further borne out by his recommendation of Dr. Phil. (Now THERE'S a Botox tragedy in a suit.)

Stephen R. said...

Aaron - Eunuch! That's precisely it! That is what this guy is - - a Eunuch! Once again, your observations are perfection.